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Showing posts from July, 2016

Weekend Adventure: The Secret Life of Pets

Photo Credit: Illumination Entertainment My best friend and I couldn't wait to see The Secret Life of Pets ! We both love movies and are always counting down to the next one we have to go watch at the movie theater. It's awesome because we usually have the same taste in movies -- however, because we are such good friends, we compromise on the movies that one of us doesn't really want to go see. We both loved this movie! It was hilarious, and just adorable.  I love animals in general and can relate to being the owner who leaves their kitty at home, thinking about how sad she looks when I leave and I wish I could stay with her instead of going to work or wherever I am going, and then wondering what she's doing while I'm gone. She's probably super sad, and just waits on me to come home. This movie was so much fun because while Max, the main pup in the film, felt the same way I think my kitty feels when I leave -- all of the others seemed to be having an a...

Welcome to My Place!

I'm super excited to begin this blogging adventure with you! For years, I have followed lots of fun, inspiring blogs that have pushed me to do my best, to work my hardest, and to enjoy all the little things in life. In the back of my head, I've always wondered, "What if I could do that?" That's what brings me here today. One of my biggest dreams has been to become a blogger who could inspire others, and create a place that readers enjoy visiting. I love all things coffee, as you can probably gather from my blog's name. In college, my iced coffee was just as important and ever-present as my books and calculator. In my career, it is no different -- except you'll find plenty of decorative pens, colorful highlighters, and pretty to-do lists (I'm a sucker for stationary items!) scattered on my desk. My Wizard of Oz collection and Hobby Lobby items occupy a majority of my desk space also (my favorite movie, and my favorite craft store!). Reader's Ci...